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How To Perform Android CRUD Operations In Firebase?

  • imageSomish Kakadiya
  • iconJun 28, 2022
  • icon143
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Many developers are using Firebase to add backend functionality for their applications and websites as well. It makes your job easier for the backend database and handling it. 

Firebase is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database, which does not use tables to store the data (by default) locally on the device but instead stores them in the cloud. Hence, they are known as "real-time".

In this blog, you will learn to implement Android CRUD operations on the Firebase platform. We have explained the development process to you. Take a look. 

Create MainActivity.Java File



Create Activity_main.Xml File




Layout contains the following things:

Edit Text: Here we will enter the name, Email & mobile Number.

Button: There is one button named as “buttonAddUser” that use for Insert data to firebase directly.

Listview: Use for populate List of users. By clicking any of the “listViewUsers” item, we can perform update or delete operation.

Add Project In Firebase Console

First Create new Project with firebase.

Go to Firebase console and create a new project.

Open Android Studio And Create New Project Like Shown Below, And Click Next.



Choose Target Device Like Shown Below, And Click Next.



Now Choose Empty Activity From Dialog And Click Next



Give Activity Name As You Want, And Click Finish.



Add Google-Services.Json Service To Your App Folder In Android Studio



Add Gradle Dependency

Visit site for more info:

Firebase Realtime Database Overview

How data is structured:

Data are store in JSON Format like :

How to Get Firebase Reference :

private DatabaseReference databasreference;

databaserefrance = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("path");

Firebase data store in json Tree format. So, in the “path” you need to get the reference of an specified path. In our example, to access “user” table we don’t need to set path, just write table named as “user”. In other case, If you want to access everything, don’t pass anything and it will automatically create a reference of the root of the tree.

How to Write Operation done :
How to Read Operation done:

Security & Rules:

Give the permission for read and write data to firebase. Go to Rules in firebase console and set it to true as shown below:

Go through firebase

guide to learn more about the security concepts.

Create a “User” Model Class

Create Layout_user_list.Layout File For Retrieve User Data

Create Adapter To Retrieve User Data

Create Layout File To Update Or Delete Dialog




After learning the whole process of performing Android CRUD operations on the Firebase platform, you can easily work on your application or website development process.  CRUD operations in Firebase benefit the users' application data, which will be available from any device that they log in with the same credential. Start developing it for your business projects.

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