

10 Reasons Why QA is Important in Software Development

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Check out this blog to find out the top 10 reasons why QA is important in Software Development.

Chirag Pipaliya

May 8, 2024

Every single instance of software development requires an investment of resources, regardless of the project's scope. The resources may be wasted if the quality of the end output is not satisfactory. Not only will the investors lose money and time, but they will also miss out on future rewards and, in certain cases, even damage their reputations. The funds will be eradicated permanently. This is why quality assurance is considered the procedure that is given the highest priority in software development.

Keep reading this blog to know the top 10 reasons why quality insurance is important in software development.

What is Quality Assurance in Software Development?

Quality assurance, or QA, is a complex process that includes numerous stages to ensure that the required quality standards are met. In software development, this process includes a variety of measurements and begins long before the first lines of code are written. It entails properly planning the development process as well as evaluating, regulating, and testing the quality of a product throughout its lifecycle. QA includes optimization and reporting processes, which will be discussed later in this article, as well as other aspects of quality assurance.

The Role of Quality Assurance in Software Development

Quality assurance is a critical component of software development solutions. This is true for more than just financial reasons. Though business concerns are always centered on money, QA also safeguards reputation. A low-quality software product can result in not just financial losses, but also a loss of customer and business partner trust. This might be a deadly blow for a startup or a firm.

As a result, entrepreneurs place a great value on quality assurance, especially in the information technology sector. They recognize that the effort and money needed to ensure the quality of a software product are entirely warranted. It is critical to detect and rectify software faults as early as feasible. The longer those faults go unnoticed and unsolved, the greater the risk they pose and the more difficult it is to rectify.

QA's software development function extends beyond simply testing and identifying flaws. It extends beyond quality control into the field of methodology. Quality assurance, in particular, is concerned with methods and standards for organizing the development process so that errors do not occur. In other words, QA specialists investigate ways to meet the client's needs while avoiding potential flaws and problems. This analysis at an early stage of development saves a lot of difficulty in later stages. 

Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Quality assurance spans throughout the entire software development process. Consider the classic "waterfall" concept of the software development life cycle. There are five steps or stages: analysis, design, coding, testing, and operations. The goal of QA is to ensure that all processes in those phases adhere to the appropriate quality standards.

Product testing is the responsibility of Quality Control (QC), which is part of a larger Quality Assurance (QA) process. It is a critical stage preceding the deployment or release of a software product. However, it is important to distinguish between QA and QC.

Quality control focuses on assuring a product's quality by conducting tests, identifying problems, and correcting them. QC also analyzes whether the product satisfies the client's specifications. Testing, issue fixing, optimization, and other components of Quality Control must be accomplished before the product or feature enters the deployment stage of the development process.

Quality Assurance controls software development processes to prevent errors by adhering to standards, applying efficiency measures, completing verifications, and so on. So, the primary distinction between Quality Assurance and Quality Control is that QA is more comprehensive and process-oriented, whereas QC is more targeted and product-oriented. 

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Top 10 Reasons Why QA is Important in Software Development

Considering that QA's primary objective is to enhance the quality of a software product, it can offer many benefits to both product owners and consumers. 

The following are the top 10 reasons why quality assurance is important in software solutions.

  • Higher efficiency

When compared to software products of lower quality, those of higher quality perform significantly better. This indicates that the program is able to carry out its operations more quickly, which results in time savings for users and is beneficial to their overall productivity.

  • Better reliability

The quality assurance process determines whether or not the final product is safe to use and whether or not it can withstand extended periods of continuous use as well as stressful conditions. For instance, a software product will not crash when subjected to heavy loads, which eliminates the risk of data loss and other potentially damaging consequences. 

  • Improved security

One of the primary requirements across all industries is the provision of optimal protection for confidential data. Quality assurance is a critical component in achieving this. This is particularly true for industries such as retail, healthcare, and others that handle personal information, payments, and the like. For instance, Quality Assurance is tasked with ensuring the HIPAA compliance of a healthcare software application. QA guarantees the security of sensitive data storages against intrusions and the infrastructure supporting them against malicious attacks.

  • Enhanced functionality 

As a consequence of the quality assurance procedures, the final software product ought to be equipped with all of the features that were specified in the specifications. The Quality Assurance department is responsible for ensuring that the functionalities are implemented correctly and that the software is correctly integrated into its working environment, infrastructure, networks, and other components among that. 

  • Easier maintenance

Quality assurance ensures that the software product is readily maintainable and modifiable in response to changing circumstances. Regardless of the client's initial software feature requirements, it is imperative that Quality Assurance specialists maintain the flexibility to incorporate additional features as needed. In accordance with QA procedures, an evolving and improving software product must be permitted to do so. 

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  • Increases customer satisfaction

The team's quality assurance person makes sure the client's needs are satisfied. He and the final users are considered when developing the software. It aids in improving customer satisfaction and client retention for the company. Maintaining a loyal customer base and providing them with consistent outcomes is in the best interests of the business.    

  • Makes the product user-friendly

A developer is intent on creating a product that possesses every conceivable feature. Nonetheless, a QA verifies the usability of the developed software. It is the responsibility of QA to ensure that end users successfully navigate the software without encountering any difficulties. A company should avoid marketing a product that presents challenges for consumers in terms of operation. A QA functions as a pseudo-user and conducts software testing in the role of an inexperienced user.   

  • Saves time and money

QA identifies software defects during the earliest phases of development, rendering their resolution cost-effective. Expenses associated with problem fixes escalate as the development process progresses. Fixing them during production incurs greater expenses compared to doing so while they are still in development. Additionally, time is significantly conserved when flaws are discovered during the development phase. Otherwise, the developers will require additional time to identify and resolve the failure's fundamental cause.    

  • Helps build reputation and trust

A QA ensures deliverable consistency through adherence to established processes and standards. A company that adheres to established protocols and provides a product of high quality should enjoy a favorable standing within its industry. Additionally, it fosters customer confidence in the organization and its personnel. Differentiating itself from competitors is the fundamental objective that forces an organization to endure in the competitive landscape.      

  • Keeps the team on the same page 

Multiple developers concurrently work on distinct modules, lacking knowledge of the future integration of said modules or the software's overall functionality. A QA examines each module both independently and in conjunction with the others. And communicates the identified defects to the team for resolution. This notifies the team of the problematic module that requires repair. A QA facilitates the software developers' ability to implement changes by performing routine code reviews of the updated material.  


Evidently, Quality Assurance is an integral component of the software development life cycle. As a result of its critical nature, quality assurance must be executed and overseen by exceptionally proficient specialists. In addition, specialized equipment and well-established teams with efficient reporting, communication, and feedback should be in place.

At Vasundhara Infotech, we understand the importance of QA in delivering exceptional software solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our software development services and how we can help you achieve your goals. 

With over 10 years of experience and being a leading software development company in India, we can offer extensive QA and testing services. Our Quality Assurance experts will conduct exhaustive testing and optimization throughout the software development life cycle. They will ensure that your product is constructed in accordance with your specifications and quality standards. Request for a FREE quote now.

FAQ's by Why QA is Important in Software Development

The ultimate objective of QA is to ensure that the product launch functions as intended. The responsibility of product testing, which QA teams undertake throughout the development cycle, is to verify that products conform to any applicable technical standards and customer (or client) expectations.

Software quality assurance guarantees that the program fulfills the quality standards and specifications. This produces software that is more dependable, efficient, and user-friendly.

Software testing is critical because it detects and rectifies any problems and flaws in the written code prior to the delivery of the software product. Strengthens the product's integrity. In the context of consumer appeal, product quality delivery is a crucial metric to take into account.

Quality assurance helps organizations achieve their objectives by creating effective production processes, enhancing internal procedures, and creating competitive advantages. If quality assurance isn't implemented, customers could receive annoying, unreliable items that fall short of their expectations.

Software Quality Assurance (QA) Testing assesses the application's functionality, usability, performance, and security.


Chirag Pipaliya

As the founder and CEO of Vasundhara Infotech, he leads with a blend of vision and strategy. His entrepreneurial spirit drives growth and innovation, shaping the company's success story.


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