

Top Mobile App Development Trends To Watch In 2024

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Ready to find out what’s latest in the world of mobile apps? We’ve got you covered with the top mobile app development trends to watch in 2024.

Chirag Pipaliya

May 15, 2024

The mobile application development sector is constantly changing. Numerous factors, including technological advancements, consumer demands, and more, directly influence mobile app trends.

Keeping abreast of the most recent developments is critical to achieving success in this field. As a member of the Forbes Technology Council, I engage in ongoing dialogue with other tech leaders and research trends to obtain a competitive advantage.

Mobile application resellers must remain current on emerging trends to provide superior customer service. 

Being a leading mobile app development company in Surat, we at Vasundhara Infotech are prepared to advance their brands through mobile development.

Are you ready for the changes that will occur in mobile application development over the next year? The leading trends in application development that will prevail in 2024 are as follows.  

Mobile App Development Trends in 2024

The mobile application industry is constantly evolving. To satisfy clients' incessant requests, modifications to the process are necessary. Hence, implementing appropriate application development strategies in isolation does not guarantee triumph.

You only need to incorporate the most recent mobile application industry trends. Additionally, you need a proficient mobile app development service provider or need to hire mobile app developers for maximum success.

The following are the leading trends in mobile application development that will dominate in 2024:

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is already an established reality. The market is expected to reach $190 billion by 2025, and more sectors are now looking to merge technology with human intelligence.

By now, the industry and medical sectors have made incredible efforts to improve efficiency through artificial intelligence. This is achievable because of the great precision and ability to capture real-time events.

Combining machine learning and artificial intelligence is useful in critical applications like mobile app development. Whether it's iOS or Android app development, it can learn the app creation process from previous data, identify errors, and resolve them in real time.

Furthermore, it may learn complete user activities and behaviors based on their daily usage patterns and perform essential tasks without any guidelines. With the integration of IoT and AI, you don't have to tap your fingers to complete tasks. You may relax as AI controls your electronics, homes, cars, etc.

Some future AI trends include the following: 

  • AI-enabled face unlock
  • AIOps for automating IT functions
  • Predicting user behaviors
  • Integration of AI with IoT
  • Smart camera with subject identification
  • Language and voice translations
  • Adaptive battery for more battery lifespan
  • High app reliability for cyber security
Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics forecasts future events through the analysis of current data. It employs data mining, modeling, statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning strategies.

Prominent technology companies such as Facebook, Google, and Apple have already enhanced the UX/UI of their users' journeys by implementing AI and predictive analytics.

The healthcare industry's expenditure on big data analytics is projected to amount to $79.23 billion by 2028. Currently, the digital universe comprises more than 44 zettabytes of data. 70% of the data in the universe is created by users. 

The continuous influx of increased computing power, storage capacity, and data further enhances its prominence. Additionally, it will be among the most coveted emerging trends in mobile application development. 

5G technology

Technology advances at a rapid pace. One cutting-edge technology that comes to mind is 5G technology. Data is sent across a 5G network very quickly and effectively.

Though 5G technology has been around for a while, it is expected to become a major trend in the mobile app development industry in 2024 as businesses begin to implement it actively and fully.

What distinguishes 5G from 4G?- A couple of things:

  • The primary distinction is speed; 5G technology has ten times the speed of a 4G network.
  • AR and VR will have a lot more opportunities thanks to 5G. With 5G, incorporating AR and VR into an app is not a huge challenge.
  • The devices' data transit will be much faster and more seamless.
  • Because the 5G network will speed up the process of using biometric data for identification, virtual payments should be rather safe, secure, and frictionless.
Mobile applications for wearable devices

Wearable devices have long been an integral component of cutting-edge and contemporary technologies. Individuals adore donning wearables and fitness bands to perform tasks 0000previously performed on their mobile devices. Given people's propensity to utilize wearable devices, these mobile application development industry trends will persist through 2024.

Following the introduction of Apple's smartwatch, the company experienced exponential growth in product sales, as if consumers had been anticipating this moment for quite some time. Numerous manufacturers have developed remarkable wearable devices in response to the enormous success of Apple's smartwatch. Thus, the market for wearable devices is experiencing growth and will likely continue to be significant in the years to come. 


With the massive player base of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG), users are constantly searching for intriguing features in applications. Games undoubtedly play a significant role in users' lives.

Over the projection period, the in-game advertising market is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.08%, reaching US$221.511 billion by 2027.In addition, there are numerous smartphone apps, such as Duolingo, that incorporate specific gamification elements and mobile app development practices as the following: 

  • Choice of difficulty

Expert, Intermediate, or Beginner. Your knowledge and level of expertise regarding the subject matter will determine which level you play the game at.

  • Battles

Users are required to successfully complete brief assessments prior to progressing to the subsequent level. Users experience a sense of achievement as a result. 

  • Victory badges

Users receive victory badges for finishing a level successfully, which gives them more confidence to move on to the next one.

Cross-platform app development

Cross-platform app development is a process that enables the creation of an application that functions on multiple operating systems, such as iOS and Android, using a single codebase.

The development of cross-platform applications is a viable and economical alternative to native application development for enterprises and other organizations. It is utilized by numerous startups for MVP launches and basic app development. This results in significant time, effort, and financial savings.

Internet of Things

Did you ever consider the extent to which the internet would influence our daily lives? If you believe that the Internet lacks the ability to regulate every aspect of our existence, then you ought to consider the Internet of Things.

Suppose you are outside and have neglected to secure your residence. One alternative to returning to one's residence is to secure it from the present location. Installation of an IoT application on a mobile device, an IoT-enabled locking mechanism, and an active internet connection are all that are required.

Thus, in the future, near-universal control will be possible via IoT systems, not limited to your home or workplace. Already, millions of people are captivated by IoT products such as the August smart lock, August doorbell cam, Philips lighting system, and Amazon dash button.

Already, numerous organizations are transitioning to IoT application development. Statistics indicate that approximately 29.42 billion IoT-enabled devices will be operational globally by 2030.

The following are some anticipated IoT trends in mobile application development: 

  • AI-enabled IoT devices
  • IoT in healthcare
  • Smart homes and cities
  • Self-driving and smart automobiles
On-demand Apps

In 2024, as additional on-demand apps hit the app store, things will get even more intriguing. Let's acknowledge that what was formerly considered a luxury is now considered necessary. And now there are a gazillion on-demand app stores. Because smartphones can quickly satisfy all of our needs with the help of mobile apps, they have become a major necessity. To receive the service at your desired location, you must submit a request through the designated app.

There are various categories for on-demand apps, such as apps for grocery delivery, cab services, and food delivery, among others. Big names in the industry today, like Taxify and Uber, have become quite well-known due to the on-demand apps.

Users find on-demand apps to be user-friendly. Additionally, studies show that 86.5 million Americans regularly use on-demand services, while 45 million Americans provide on-demand services.

Nowadays, almost all businesses are concentrating on on-demand apps. Furthermore, according to tech analysts, the year is just starting; 2024 will be a huge year for the on-demand app trend. 

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Numerous mobile applications have already transitioned to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality; these applications are not limited to the entertainment or gaming industries.

Currently, enterprises spanning various industries are integrating practical experience into their applications. The App Store and Google Play Store are currently combining VR and AR applications. Pokémon Go exemplifies the quintessential augmented reality application.

Moreover, its global user base comprises nearly 5 million active individuals. Sephora and IKEA are two companies that have integrated augmented reality into their applications to increase conversion rates and improve the user experience.

VR technology is still in its infancy, but it will eventually enter the mainstream. Tilt Brush and Google Cardboard are applications that provide a 360-degree experience. Daydream VR by Google is compatible exclusively with the most recent Android smartphones, including the Motorola Moto Z and Samsung Galaxy Note 8. 

Cloud-integrated Mobile Apps

Cloud computing offers many benefits and opportunities. It started out as a hosting service and grew over time beyond its original uses. This is the most reliable platform for safely storing and easily accessing your data quickly, easily, and securely.

Cloud computing hasn't really impacted the process of developing mobile apps.

Apps with cloud integration operate on the cloud directly. This is how you light up your smartphone's internal memory. As a result, you can use these apps without worrying about your phone crashing.

The advantages of cloud integration are shared by consumers and app developers. It reduces costs and speeds up and simplifies app development. Users don't need to install the apps to access them seamlessly. Applications of cloud technology in the future will include: 

  • Hybrid cloud solutions
  • Multi-cloud platforms
  • Cloud quantum computing

Final Notes

The aforementioned trends in mobile app development will undoubtedly contribute to the rapid growth of the app market. In 2024, there will be more competition among mobile app developers. Therefore, before working on your app, watch for any trends.

Every new development tool for mobile apps has advantages and disadvantages. It could be challenging if you are fresh in this field. However, you can always find out the greatest trends in mobile application development for your project by consulting with industry experts.

Now that you know how to thrive in 2024 while developing an app, don't forget to use the most recent trends in mobile app development that were previously covered. 

Elevate your business with a mobile app that sets you apart. Let's collaborate. Reach out to us now and empower them to transform your app vision into reality. 

Don't settle for mediocrity – team up with Vasundhara Infotech and unleash the unparalleled potential of mobile technology. Request for a quote now.

FAQ's by Top Mobile App Development Trends In 2024

According to Statista, 35% of employees regularly use their mobile devices to learn. Furthermore, the mobile learning market is predicted to reach $58.50 billion by 2025, representing a CAGR of 21.45% from 2020 to 2025. As a result, mobile learning is a potential trend that will transform the landscape of mobile app development.

As the demand for streamlined, scalable, and collaborative experiences increases and cloud technology progresses, it is anticipated that cloud-based mobile applications will come to dominate the future of mobile technology.

The proliferation of blockchain technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and extended reality (XR) are noteworthy developments in mobile application development. In addition, cloud-based solutions, 5G technology, and Internet of Things (IoT) integration are gaining prominence.

In the years to come, AI is predicted to continue to be a major trend in mobile apps, ranking among the most popular in 2022. It expedites the app development process by introducing individualized app experiences depending on customers' demands and requirements.

Internet of Things (IoT) integration into mobile applications will be a significant trend in 2024. It transforms our interactions with the physical world and technology. By connecting our mobile devices and wearables to the internet via IoT integration, we gain greater convenience and control over our daily lives.


Chirag Pipaliya

As the founder and CEO of Vasundhara Infotech, he leads with a blend of vision and strategy. His entrepreneurial spirit drives growth and innovation, shaping the company's success story.


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